The Voice Of 3am

Your blissful. In the midst of dreams and rejuvenation when the natural sleep cycle brings you up for air….she pounces.

. From that delicious state you are reminded of things you haven’t done, things said that could be taken in the wrong way, promises you have made to yourself and others that were broken, when  you haven’t shown up, all the  ways you have let yourself down….

In the middle of the night, between being awake and asleep, our brain is in an altered state. Our brain frequency is different and barriers of logic and “reality” are removed

If you have ever had a midnight epiphany, a 3am fabulous idea, or can’t sleep because of the inspiration being fed to you then you understand what I am saying. In the morning, the barriers are reinstated and the idea is not as shiny or perfect.

It also works for the negative. Our mind holds the truly critical voices mostly in check until we are vulnerable. A 2am wake up and a silent house is a feeding ground for the fearful and critical thoughts.

I have been buried under the heaviness of them so many times in my life. The negative thoughts winning out,… oh so much easier than the positive. In the light of day however, it’s never that bad…

So three ways to quieten her when she is torturing you:

1. Repeat something else (take control of your thoughts) - I like “I love and accept myself” - repeating it over and over again until I’m back asleep.

2. Remember this post. You are not alone. You are human. This happens. You are vulnerable right now but it WILL be better in the morning.

3. Get up. Walk around. Get something to eat / drink and shake her off. Journal if you need to and tell yourself that YOU are in charge, not the voice. You run the show.

Taking ACTION  gives you POWER, it lessens fear when you are doing something about it


Key To Joy


Where I Found Yoga