Meditation is the greatest investment in time you will ever make.

Our thoughts become things and if you don’t harness them, if you are not intentional with where you are heading, life can become chaotic and go in directions you wouldn’t wish for.

Learning how to control our thoughts is a practice, and that practice is called meditation. Again and again we bring our mind back to concentrate on one thing, that may be breath, an affirmation, a mantra, a candle, counting backwards, a sound.... to teach ourselves to keep our focus, keep our concentration. Wayward thoughts will come in and out and you will continually have to refocus.

We learn that not all thoughts are truthful and that emotions (anger, sadness , fear) and physiological responses (blushing, heart rate increases, breath holds) can be created by thought alone.

Redirecting our thoughts to what we want, from what we don’t want, is life-changing.

We can then visualize the outcomes we want in life and take action in the direction of our dreams.