Thanks so much Nicola, for the most lovely Reiki session. I had never had reiki before and didn’t know what to expect. It was the most relaxing, calming experience. I would highly recommend it to anyone! X S.

(After Rapid Transformational Therapy) Listened to the recording this afternoon, cells tingled all over again! Committed to every day to make these thoughts and feelings stick! Really love what you’ve done for me Nic, so grateful xxxx G.

Nicola’s gentle guidance and questions took me to my subconscious where I really deeply connected with past incidences that have affected me well beyond their used by dates. Through the hypnosis, I pulled out these moments and recognised them as unwanted baggage while Nicola gave me beautiful, powerful statements to replace these thoughts I had about myself. My cells are literally zinging with release straight after our session and I feel so very peaceful in my heart and mind. I look forward to further implanting Nicola’s amazing words into my psyche that encourage me to know I’m enough, how truly beautiful my life is, how loved I am and how much love I have for my people around me especially my family. L.


Nicola helped me feel relaxed and comfortable for my first ever hypnotherapy session. She is insightful and understanding and I was able to challenge and address many of the thinking habits and assumptions I’ve held since childhood. I would highly recommend this wonderful process! B.

Yoga with Nicola has been a very different experience from the Yoga I have done before and I’ve loved it! In the past I’ve done Bikram Yoga and most yoga classes at the gym which I’ve never really enjoyed or got out of it what I was looking for. With Nicola though, she planned the classes to suit my needs and what I wanted to focus on -giving me the knowledge and wisdom of the practice we were about to do. We did restorative yoga which is amazing. J.

l seek out real and authentic voices to inspire me. I want thought provoking, beautiful, imperfect role models to help me reach my goals of living a simple, mindful and joyful life. Nicola is exactly this. Her words always touch my heart and resonate with how I’m feeling and what I’m experiencing as a busy mum of three. I love the way Nicola always speaks her truth and in turn supports us to find a voice for our own. K.

I had hypnotherapy with Nicola to address anxiety and sleeping issues. Nicola has a way of putting you at ease. On my first session with Nicola I went in, thoughts racing. I came out feeling relaxed, calm and reconnected to my core, stronger and lighter. When my mind is drifting or dwelling on things I am feeling more control over my emotional response and by day 3 I have never had so much ease getting to sleep and sleeping soundly through the night. I would highly recommend Nicola she is amazing. J.

Nicola is like that voice inside your head that makes you feel amazing. She is positive, courageous, inspiring and always encouraging. C.