My Story

In 2010 I was 30 years old, I was married and had a delightful baby boy. We adored him so much we wanted another baby immediately.

Life was turning out much along the lines prescribed to me....go to school, go to uni, get a career, live overseas for a couple of years, get a house, get married and have babies. I was always ready for the next step, believing happiness lived in the next moment, not in this one.

I gave birth to Sophia at 32 weeks gestation, she was still born. A perfect tiny little girl who would never open her eyes. We were devastated. Life didn’t make sense anymore. Around the three month mark of grieving I felt peace and love wash over me. The love I had been given by all of those around me in my rock bottom moment meant the world to me. I realised that I had one life to live and I would be loved by those who mattered always. I needed to follow my own path, not one that was set out for me.

The grief counsellor recommended I pick up my yoga practice again and start meditating to try and find some inner peace. It helped tremendously and I found myself interested in the world again. I went on to have two more gorgeous baby boys and became a Yoga and Meditation teacher in 2017 after two years of study.

Going down the self-development and healing path led me to become an RTT Therapist in 2020, using Hypnotherapy to heal my own fear and trust issues and find self-love. Helping others in this field has been eye-opening and heart-warming.

To round out my education I found Reiki and I was just fascinated by this process and learned as much as I could, becoming a Reiki Master in early 2023.

In 2021 with people lying on my living room floor and in my kitchen to practice yoga with me, my husband Daniel and I decided to build a studio.

I imagined that this would be a place of self-discovery, healing and deep inner peace. That joy and freedom would come along with all of this for you, as it had for me.

Welcome to Temple Lane, I am so glad we found each other.

Here, I offer Yoga and Meditation Classes, Workshops, Reiki Sessions, and Hypnotherapy Appointments. You can also book private yoga or meditation sessions for yourself or with loved ones. This is a space where you can dream, create an intentional life, quiet negative chatter, and fill yourself with belief.

This isn’t just a yoga studio. It’s a place to truly invest in your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. A place to connect with yourself and the community. On this journey, you may laugh, cry, discover new aspects of yourself, and become your own best friend.

Investing in yourself will bring tremendous rewards. Your efforts will lead to deeper relaxation, better sleep, and optimal body function. Instead of feeling exhausted, you’ll be energized, renewed, inspired, and fulfilled. Building a relationship with yourself will be the best decision you ever make. The work is yours, and Temple Lane will provide the space for you to do it.