Power 9 For Relationships

How often do you stop to think what you appreciate about your partner? How often do you tell them? When discussing negativity…. How easy is it to just think of everything they don’t do instead of all the things they do?

These are the primary relationships of our lives. The foundation. The one we started our families with and the ones that we hope will be there when the nest is empty.

It’s worth putting in the minutes it takes to relate to each other what you are grateful for (life in general) what you appreciate about each other and what you are dreaming about creating in your life and as a team.

So the Power 9 concept is that you tell them:

3 Things You Are Grateful For

3 Things You Appreciate About Them

3 Things You Are Manifesting Right Now

Takes less than five minutes and you have increased intimacy and let them into your thoughts, dreams and perspective.


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