5 Ways To Change Your Energy

When we are starting to change we have all the good intentions. Why would anyone want to be negative?

We don’t but the brain likes what is familiar and has an negativity bias )for survival reasons).

When we are learning to get control of our mind (and energy) we start with awareness. Maybe you’ve already heard yourself being negative, have observed yourself shouting at the kids or partner, or complaining to yourself about aches and pains, things not being done.

It can be intense.

Five ways to change your energy when your feeling in a slump:

1. Doing menial tasks - this is actually satisfying, never takes as long as we think and it helps us stop procrastinating and overthinking things. Clean a cupboard, so the washing, the dishes. I always get a good podcast or audio book or music in my ears and light a candle or incense.

2. Get out of your current environment. Push yourself to leave the house, the office…. go for a walk, a drive, take yourself for a coffee or a meal.

3. Do something indulgent. I have been lying on the sun lounger when I have a moment and reading a book. It’s doesn’t cost me anything but I used to feel guilty and never sat there!

4.  Organise something fun. Complaining or grumpy about someone else doing something you want to do. Organise it for the future. Book the concert, the movie, the holiday. Having something to look forward to dissolves current resentment and envy.

5. Hang out with the most positive people you know. We will complain with those who complain and we will be positive with those who are enthusiastic and excited about life.

The yoga sutras tell us when you are feeling or being negative to deliberately cultivate the opposite. Feeling anxious? Pretend it’s excitement. Sad? Can you smile and let that positive feeling warm the body? Sluggish??go for a run/ walk  or jump up and down on the spot.

Its not toxic positivity - it’s not pretending - it’s getting control over what causes us suffering - the mind.


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