How To Cultivate Inner Peace Through Yoga: A Guide for Busy Women

Yoga practice is not just a a once or twice a week thing. A yoga practice can be done every day of the week As busy women we just need to realise that we can take our practice off the mat. We can take it into our commutes, our relationships and our 3am wake ups.

When you come to class you are learning the tools to take with you into life. Yoga is not a pilates class or a run. Yes, your muscles will get exercised and your body will change but so will your mind.

Just the simple practice of watching our breath or knowing that a deliberate sigh can release tension, assists us. Putting on a guided meditation or a relaxing yoga nidra recording can take us into deep relaxation. We can also place our hands on our hearts or bellies and comfort ourselves when we feel insecure or stressed.

Using our words to support ourselves, rather than tearing us down, can be the most enlightening reason to return again and again to a yoga class. When you let this super important tool of self-compassion really sink in, your whole life will change.

Inner-peace is deep contentment. Its the opposite of anxiety. Its the stillness in the chaos. The anchoring in the storm.

It might take time out of your day to sit and meditate for 5-10 minutes but it gives back so much more than it takes. It’s so much easier to be the person you know you can be when you are not reacting from built up stress and tension.

I love the practice of yoga so much because of the person I get to be for my family, my friends and everyone I come into contact with.


Yoga: The Journey Of The Self, Through The Self, To The Self