Yoga: The Journey Of The Self, Through The Self, To The Self

When I began yoga I didn’t feel like I was on a journey. It felt like a means to an end. A little stress relief, a little body re-shaping.

When I had children, yoga became a life raft, a place to escape to for some much needed space.

When I lost my little girl, Sophia, at 32 weeks pregnant. it saved me. I was deep in grief, blame and self hatred.

13 years later my yoga practice is more valuable to me than any diamond or possession I own.

My personal combination of using hypnotherapy and reiki techniques and adding them to my meditations and yoga practice has led to a level of self-acceptance and love that I wouldn’t have known was possible.

I didn’t know I would be able to outrun the fear and anxiety that has plagued my life and find more joy, love and laughter than I knew was inside of me.

I have found deep respect for my strengths and admiration for my ability to accept and move around my shortcomings.

I want everyone to feel this level of peace, joy and freedom.

I created Temple Lane to support those in need of starting or continuing their own journey of the self, by the self, to the self… through Yoga (and Hypnotherapy and Reiki!) .


How To Cultivate Inner Peace Through Yoga: A Guide for Busy Women


Crafting an Intentional Life: Strategies for Mindful Living and Authentic Joy