Negativity Detox

A couple of months ago, I read a book on learning to control your thoughts and manifest what you truly want. In it, the first requirement was a 30 day negativity detox. You were asked to become aware of your thoughts. To focus on what was coming in and how often they were unnecessarily negative. I thought of myself as quite a positive person but in noticing them, I realised that there was a real underlying emotion of fear in a lot of my thoughts, logical or not, it was there.

I would wake up in the middle of the night and it was particularly nasty. It seemed to get worse before it got better but suddenly the fear felt smaller. There was less volume and frequency in the negative chatter.

Joy started to break through when the fear wasn’t around.

In the yoga sutras, the first and second points are that Now, is Yoga and Yoga is the cessation of the movement of the thoughts.

It’s been staring me in the face all along. Thoughts determine the quality of our lives. Thoughts become things. Thoughts can move us forward and hold us back.

How do we start to control what we want to think? A few different ways.

  1. Meditation - learning to quieten the chatter, slow the thoughts.

  2. Affirmation - Repeating a statement that is what you want, instead of letting the looping negative thoughts continue

  3. Visualisation - Begin a practice on getting super clear about what you do what, using all of your senses to visualise who you want to be and what you want to have. The key here is feeling the way you would feel if you already had it.

  4. Hypnotherapy - You can have a session to uncover why you are having these negative thoughts and really pull them out from their roots. Using hypnotherapy recordings afterwards to repeat to you the way you want to feel, behave and live.

I have used all of these methods for recovering from grief and trauma and reframing some of my behaviours… this work will be much more fun.


From Self-Criticism to Self-Love : Transforming Your Inner Dialogue.


Key To Joy